Bells Palsy Hero

Nurse Amber, Thibodeaux Regional Medical Center
Nominated by Rhonda Hollier

She just graduated with a BSN in December 2019, and she has a 5-year-old and an 11-month old. She is working at a hospital full-time, including caring for COVID positive patients. Her family is living in an RV next to their house, so she can shower and change in the house when returning from work before mixing with her family in the RV. She recently contracted Bells Palsy that paralyzed the left side of her face, likely caused or exacerbated by the stress of the pandemic.

Compassion, Caring, Hard Work, Commitment, and Sacrifice

Nurse Brittney, Methodist Hospital
Nominated by Alyssa Fox

My sister has inspired me by putting her patients before herself! I start nursing school this fall and she has taught me so much of what it means to be a nurse, the compassion, caring, hard work, commitment, and sacrifice that goes along with it! She has been going over practice questions with me every day and allows me to perform assessments on her so I can practice!

She works in the ER in her unit’s outdoor COVID tent and has been putting her safety on the line for her coworkers and patients.

Ultimate Wife, Mother, and Friend

Nurse Jess, Hackensack University Medical Center, New Jersey
Nominated by Amy Winters

Jess inspires me every day in regard to her work ethic, natural finesse as a mom, and the most loyal friend a woman can ever have. Jess works on the frontline at one of the busiest hospitals in NJ during the COVID-19 pandemic while caring for her 9-month old son on her minimal off-days. Every night she hurries home from work, has to remove the clothes from the hospital, and scrub down in the shower before she can even greet her husband and baby boy before he is laid down to sleep for the night. Jess is the ultimate wife, mother, and friend. Anyone who knows Jess is lucky to have her in their lives.

On the Front Lines Everyday

Nurse Julianne, Mayo Clinic
Nominated by Bob Dufek

She goes on the frontline every day to care for sick patients without any regard for herself. She is truly a very unselfish person.

Putting Others First, As Always

Nurse Jenna, Fort Memorial Hospital
Nominated by Sara Tincher

I nominate RN nurse Jenna. She has inspired me by switching to impatient care during this difficult time. This choice to work the front lines was not easy as she has two small boys at home. Previously, she was working outpatient care. She could have chosen to keep her family safe and not go to inpatient care. However, the need was there and she put others first, as she always does. She is truly an inspiration!

Instills Confidence that Everything Will be Fine

Nurse Nancy, St. John's Infirmary, St. John's College, Collegeville, Minnesota
Nominated by Sandra Gulliver

Nancy always remains calm, regardless of the situation, and that instills trust that everything is going to be fine.

Working the COVID Unit

Nurse Emily, Mercy Hospital Coon Rapids
Nominated by Gerard Clasemann

She works between the heart unit and COVID unit. Often working a few 12 hour nights in a row. She works very hard, provides very good care to her patients.

Resilient Leader Worth Emulating

Nurse Maria, Stanford Healthcare
Nominated by Marvin Delfin

She is an inspirational leader. She has been a great manager of our emergency pediatric department and very instrumental with all the department’s processes and protocols and yielded great results. She will show her true concern and will motivate you to do and be your best while work and even beyond as a true friend. She will encourage you not to give up. Despite the challenges and struggles of the department, she remained calm, open, and resilient. She’s a leader worth emulating.

Taking Care of the Elderly for 30 Years

Nurse Mary, Heritage Health, Gillespie, Illinois
Nominated by Eric Spudic

Mama Spudic has been a nurse for about 30 years! She's taking care of the elderly during this Covid-19 crisis. She's right there on the battlefield, doing a duty that most wouldn't have the courage to do. Happy Mother's Day, mommy!

Keeping Moms and Their Babies Safe

Nurse Sarah, Advocate Aurora West Allis Hospital
Nominated by Ann Davis

My sister Sarah is a charge nurse in labor and delivery. She works 12-hour shifts. During the COVID crisis, she has had to wear protective gear during her whole shift (shown in photo). I am so amazed by her hard work and dedication to keeping moms and their babies safe!

Unbelievable Patience

Nurse Nicole, Honor Health, Scottsdale, Arizona
Nominated by Kathy Lockhart

Nicole has an unbelievable amount of patience. She works long shifts, extra shifts, and is an incredible mom to her two little girls, ages two and almost four.

Wants to Help Everyone

Nurse Christina, Rolling Hills Developmental Center
Nominated by Penny Hall

With COVID-19 going on it has not stopped her from doing her job or made her not want to go to work. She wants to help everyone.

Raised 2 Children and Finished Nursing Ed in 3 Years

Nurse Katie, Central Maine Medical Center
Nominated by Charlie Swett

While raising two children she got her schooling/nurses training completed in less than three years. Shortly thereafter she was certified as an RN.

Tirelessly Cares for His Patients

Nurse David, Guardian Angles Memory Care Center
Nominated by Mary Clasemann

David tirelessly cares for his patients every time he works. He doesn't go out or associate with friends in order to avoid contracting anything that might impair the health of those he cares for.

Loving and Caring, Time and Attention for Everyone

Nurse Emily, Mercy Hospital
Nominated by Mary Clasemann

She works tirelessly to care for her patients, those with Covid-19 and those who don't. Every single person she helps receives her loving and caring time and attention.

Bringing Joy to Her Patients

Nurse Geri, Rex Hospital, Raleigh, North Carolina
Nominated by Vaughn Peltier

Geri is a hard-working passionate RN. She has gone to work throughout the pandemic and brought joy to her patients.

Persevering in Her Nursing Career Despite Tragedy

Nurse Kaley, Community Memorial Hospital
Nominated by Denise Drury

Kaley, my daughter, has persevered in her nursing career despite tragedy in her life. She lost her sister Kirra Drury, in a tragic boating accident on the Colorado River. Kaley has gone since to get her BSN and most recently she began her training in ICU caring for critically ill patients.

Everything with a Smile

Nurse Charice, Condell
Nominated by Charlene Paoli

Charice is so sweet and kind! She never complains and does everything with a smile. She is adored by all!!!

Admirable Woman, Nurse, and Mother

Nurse Alyssa, Home Healthcare Chicago
Nominated by Tina Parsons

My daughter is a home health nurse in Chicago and inspires me with her dedication to her patients in this stressful and challenging time of COVID-19. She has at times not had the PPE she has needed and has even worn trash bags in an effort to keep her patients, who are compromised, from any possible exposure to COVID. She deals with the extra pressures pretty much by herself as home health workers don't have coworkers nearby to confide in. Like so many others she also tries to balance the needs of sick patients with the need to keep her own family safe. She is amazing and I love and admire the woman, nurse, mother, and person she has become.

With a Smile on Her Face

Nurse Danielle, INOVA Fairfax, California
Nominated by Maha Slamani

Danielle is my BFF and sister from another mister, and has been for over a decade. She works night shifts almost every night and does it all with a smile on her face and never complains. She also always takes time out of her day to call and ask how I am doing no matter how busy she is. She is the absolute best!

Fighting for Her Patients Day and Night

Nurse Rochelle, Gardena Memorial
Nominated by Kreli Washington

My girlfriend Rochelle works at Gardena Memorial on the surgical floor as a registered nurse. Her floor was changed to a Covid-19 floor to help with the ICU. It's been a challenge but she enjoys what she does and fights for her patients day and night. Without complaints just the look of being tired and stressed she always comes home to me with a smile and stories for days. She definitely deserves this.

Source of Joy and Courage

Nurse Hazel, Stanford Hospital
Nominated by Eileen Cordero

I met Hazel in Nursing school. We found out we both came from the same town growing up and also had a baby less than a year old when we started school. We instantly clicked because we spoke the same dialect. We got really close during school, we would even carpool to clinicals, became study buddies during NCLEX, celebrated passing it, and even worked together with several clients with Nurse Registry. We bonded and became friends for life. Our friendship was strengthened when both our families were struck with CKD, her daughter, and me.
But that didn’t dampen our spirit. Hazel is a source of strength and an inspiration of hard work. Her energy is contagious but above all, she is very dedicated and passionate about work. Despite the trials we go through you will never see her get discouraged but instead, she is a source of joy and courage to a lot of people. I tell her she is my sister from another mother.

Putting Herself on the Line for Her Patients

Nurse Emily, Stanford Health Care
Nominated by Neda Sefidpour

Emily has been a good friend of mine for many years. She inspires me because of the care and dedication she puts into her work. She is a nurse and works the night shift at the hospital. This means long hours and sleepless nights. She sleeps during the day and has to miss out on a lot of time with her family, including missing important life events. She is also 6 months pregnant and working during this COVID-19 pandemic. Every day she steps into that hospital she puts her life and her unborn daughter's life on the line for her patients. Her bravery is inspirational to me.

Always Arrives With a Smile

Nurse Oralia, Texas Children's Hospital
Nominated by Bryan Andaya

I would like to nominate Oralia G. a Nurse and Healthcare Hero at Texas Children's Hospital. She is currently working through this pandemic and has worked during the devastation of Hurricane Harvey in the past as well. She always arrives with a smile on her face and provides the best care to all her pediatric patients.