Leading the COVID 19 Response

Nurse Fariba, Silicon Valley Medical Development, California
Nominated by Neda Sefidpour

Fariba is my mother. She has been a nurse and working in the medical field for about 30 years. She inspires me because she always puts the needs of others in front of her own. Lately, she has been leading the COVID 19 response at Silicon Vally Medical Development. This has meant working long and stressful hours for months now. She never complains and is always there for her coworkers and family. She is a very inspirational person and I look up to her.

Anything is Possible

Nurse Ma Jhoenna Michelle, UCSF
Nominated by Ma Jesska Sabryna Receno

As her older sister, she inspires me to aim higher. When she got in UCSF (where they said it’s hard to get it) all I could think of is that anything is possible. I am currently enrolled to a master’s program so I can be a great model to her.

Proud of My Wife Nurse

Nurse Mina, Mount Sinai Beth Israel
Nominated by Joel Aborde

She lives in Pennsylvania but finds a way to go all the way to New York despite having no bus services since March. She’s asthmatic but accepted to be deployed to other locations of Mount Sinai system to help care for COVID patients because she said it’s her call. Proud of my wife nurse.

Inspiring Nursing Journey

Nurse Jesska, Hayward USD, California
Nominated by Jhoenna Receno

This nurse is my sister, her nursing journey has been so inspiring to me because it took her a while to get her license. She was so determined to get her license that she never gave up on it. She now works with medically fragile students and loves what she does. I am so proud of her and will forever be here to support her.

Dedicated to Every One

Nurse Melanie, Los Altos Hills Private Client
Nominated by Karren Melad

She had shown dedication to every client that we both worked for. Always punctual and professional.

Hardwork and Dedication

Nurse Amy, ProMedica Bay Park Hospital
Nominated by Jeffrey Lammers

I am nominating Amy because of her hard work and dedication to treating patients infected with the Coronavirus, ensuring they get the best chance to recover. She is an RN in an ICU of a hospital that is currently only treating patients with COVID-19. Amy also has a family, including a husband and two teenage boys. She always puts them first, but also sees that her role in defeating this virus is crucial to the safety of her family, friends, and everyone in the world.

Patients Safety and Well-being Comes First

Nurse Hannah, Stanford Health Care
Nominated by Jacky Zuniga

Hannah is always striving to put her patients first and gives her all to their safety and well-being! The amount of compassion and patience she has is truly inspiring to me.

Continue to Have Hope

Nurse Karla Beth, Sutter Health, California
Nominated by Johnson Van

This nurse inspires me to continue to have hope as they continue to go out there and work and help care for people and help keep them safe.

Leader and Mentor

Nurse Jamie, Bayside Marin Treatment Center
Nominated by Leeann Alejandro

Showing great character for leadership and mentorship; punctual, understanding, direct, team player, teaches knowledge.

Hard-Working and Self-Sacrificing

Nurse Pharadja, Nursing Resources

Hardworking and self sacrificing. She takes care of 5 people on one income. Never complains working as a nurse.