The NurseRegistry Nursing Award
The NurseRegistry Nursing Award honors dedicated nurses for their outstanding and continual commitment to exceptional patient care.

We are honored to present the recipients of the NurseRegistry Nursing Award.

Temitope Adetunji,, LVN
Spring 2022
Temitope Adetunji, LVN is a Spring 2022 Nursing Award Recipient. Read more.

Thomas Derr, LVN
Winter 2022
Thomas Derr, LVN is a Winter 2022 Nursing Award Recipient. Read more.

Fermin Abac, LVN
Fall 2022
Fermin Abac, LVN is a highly sought-after nurse thanks to his constant dedication, hard work, and kindness and he loves helping and healing others… Read more.

May Antoniette Cruz, RN
Summer 2022
May Cruz, RN has been a nurse for over 11 years, and her journey to become one was nothing short of “a calling.” Read more.

Cindy Mercado, LVN
Spring 2022
Cindy Mercado, LVN just started her nursing career but has already made lasting impacts on her patients. Cindy didn’t always know she wanted to be a nurse – what she did know was that she cared deeply for people and wanted to help those in need. “I feel like I have so much love to give and nursing gives me that opportunity to spread my love…”Read more.

Markela Lacey, LVN
Winter 2021
Markela Lacey, LVN started her nursing career in April of 2021. Although she is just starting her nursing journey, she is already learning valuable lessons from the people around her. Read more.

Doris Yau, CCRN
Fall 2021
Doris Yau, CCRN, came to the US from Hong Kong at 16 years old and always knew she wanted to be a nurse. Her constant determination and eagerness to help others has contributed to her successful 20+ years of her nurse journey. Read more.

Marcia Hopkins, RN
Summer 2021
Marcia Hopkins, RN, BSN spent thirty years as a telecommunications engineer, then decided it was time to give back.
When her father was recovering from strokes and heart attacks, she was “the one family member that you don’t want to deal with.” Now she’s on the other side… Read more.

Elisabeth Poirier, RN
Spring 2021
From the United States Air Force to caring for elderly patients, Elisabeth Poirier, RN has done it all. Along the way she made friends but discovered, career-wise, an intelligence position with the National Security Agency wasn’t the right fit….Read more.

Jose Rodriguez, RN
Winter 2021
Nurse and mentor Jose Rodriguez, RN has been a nurse for twenty years. Working in a variety of settings—from clinics to large hospitals like UCSF Medical Center—he has amassed an incredible amount of experience and helped many new nurses forge their paths in the field of nursing….Read more.

Thea Smith, RN
Fall 2020
Thea Smith, RN had always wanted to be a nurse. When the opportunity came for her to do her residency in Texas, her husband and two children relocated to be with her as she pursued her dreams….Read more.

Nancy Aziz, LVN
Summer 2020
Nancy Aziz, LVN originally considered joining the peace corps, and until now her favorite podcast is Medicins sans Frontières. We know Aziz would have done a lot of good in the peace corps, but we and her patients are glad she chose nursing….Read more.

Joy Malaga, RN
Spring 2020
Twenty years into her career, Joy Malaga, RN is still loving nursing–caring for her patients, watching them recover, or providing them with the tools to advocate for themselves….Read more.