Nurses Month of 2020 is coming to an end, and so has the #CelebrateNurses Giveaway. This year, we asked people across the US to come together and share stories of the nurses in their lives. We were overwhelmed by the positive response, and we hope you enjoy reading their stories.
The Entries
Nominations flooded in from all over the country for ER nurses, neonatal nurses, pediatric nurses, geriatric nurses, charge nurses, school nurses, travel nurses… Almost every field of nursing was represented.
Words of praise and inspiration from fellow nurses, team members, husbands, daughters, and grateful patients brought tears to our eyes.
She’s asthmatic but accepted to be deployed to other locations of the Mount Sinai system to help care for COVID patients.
My girlfriend Rochelle works on the medical surgical floor as a registered nurse. Her floor was changed to a Covid-19 floor to help with the ICU. It’s been a challenge but she fights for her patients day and night.
Mama Spudic has been a nurse for about 30 years! She’s taking care of the elderly during this COVID-19 crisis. She’s right there on the battlefield. Happy Mother’s Day, mommy!

For two weeks we had goose-bumps from the energy and excitement!
She lives in Pennsylvania but finds a way to go all the way to New York despite having no bus services since March.
My sister Sarah is a charge nurse in labor and delivery and works 12-hour shifts wearing protective gear, because she’s dedicated to keeping moms and their babies safe!

We were reminded of how nurses are heroes in every crisis, and in every moment.
Oralia, a Nurse and Healthcare Hero is working through this pandemic and worked during the devastation of Hurricane Harvey…always with a smile on her face.
During this pandemic Nurse Jeremy has consistently shown up undeterred and taken all necessary precautions to keep the nursing home safe and free of Covid-19. He is a wise, resilient, and most impressive nurse.
Nikki…was told that she could go home during the virus and still get paid her salary while staying at home. She went back to the hospital to volunteer during this crisis.

We saw how nurses inspire and pave the way for others.
My healthcare hero is my mother, Cheryl. She has dedicated her entire healthcare career as an oncology RN. She showed me it was possible to have a family and pursue a nursing career while raising children. She has taught me compassion and empathy. I am proud to have followed in her footsteps and look forward to seeing her celebrate her retirement in a few years.
With Mona’s integrity and quick critical thinking, she was never afraid to stand up for changes and advocate for her providers and patients.

If there’s one common thread throughout all these nominations, it’s how hard nurses work, and that they’ll do anything for their patients.
All the patients and staff love her. She puts her everything inpatient care and will go to back about her patients.
She deserves the best. That is what she gives anyone she meets and takes care of, whether it be her family, her friends, or her patients.

In a field where work never ends and thanks are rarely spoken, it’s important to show each and every nurse how much they’re loved and appreciated by everyone around them.
Anyone who knows her is lucky to have her in their lives.
Proud of my wife-nurse.
She’s my sister from another mother.
I’m so proud of my son.
We love our nurse-dad so much.

Meet the Winners
The winners of the #CelebrateNurses 2020 Giveaway are … drum-roll, please…
1st place | Nurse Paula, RN, Oncology
Nominated by Rachel Faulkner, Wife of a former patient
Paula worked with my husband and I while he was going through active treatment for advanced melanoma. On several visits to the hospital, Paula went out of her way to make sure that not only was my husband comfortable, but that I had everything I needed as well. Whether that meant financial or emotional support Paula was always someone that we could count on to give us resources. Although we don’t see Paula much now (my husband is no longer in active treatment) we think of her often not just as a nurse but as a friend and how she helped us during such a difficult time.
Nurse Paula has been working in oncology for almost twenty years. Recipient of an award for nursing excellence in 2017, she is “beloved by patients, physicians, and support staff for her meticulous attention to detail and outstanding communication skills.”
What was her response to winning this award?
“I was so surprised, touched, and delighted by my nomination! I truly love nursing and I have learned so much from my patients and their families over the years. My goal as a nurse is to bring healing and joy to others and to make their challenges at least a bit easier. It has been an honor and privilege to be part of my patients’ lives.”
2nd place | Nurse Jenny, RN, Intensive Care Unit
Nominated by JoAnn Giarraputo, Aunt
Jenny is my niece. She did her undergrad at Auburn and then went back to Troy University to become a nurse. Last year she completed more training to become an ICU nurse. This past February she married and was planning a honeymoon. Then two weeks later COVID hit her hospital in a big way. She was scared but selfless. She was working 12-hour shifts 4 days in a row. And finally one day she found her strength. She did not want to leave her patients alone. She would go home and wanted to go back the next day even if she was not scheduled. She is brave enough to admit she is scared but dedicated enough to do everything in her power to heal her patients and be with them when their families cannot. There is no honeymoon. That will happen when the world is normal again. For her, it is a mission to send everyone home. She is exhausted, inspired, determined, and yes afraid. She fulfills her oath with grit, determination, and love.
Jenny completed her undergraduate degree at Auburn University, then returned to the long hours of studying to become a registered nurse at Troy University. A little over a year ago, her journey of courses and certifications finally culminated in a position as an RN in an intensive care unit, in what would become a historic year for medicine, healthcare, and the world.
Jenny found herself in the midst of the ongoing battle against coronavirus. One night, she posted on her Facebook page her renewed vigor and inspiration to continue work despite her fear and worries.
Her story was picked up by NBC’s local 11Alive program. Fortunately for us, we get to hear Jenny read her heartfelt words in her own voice. Scroll down to read Jenny’s words.
Today for the first time I cried because I found my strength. Today, I just got done working 4 shifts in a row and as soon as my shift ended, I just wanted to go back.
Crazy, I know. Especially how tough it’s been being in the ICU. This is just the beginning of many many hard days. I never know what I’m walking into. We have little supply, burnt out and scared staff (I’m one of them) and I’m trying not to breathe in my enemy.
However, today I didn’t want to leave my patient. I want to see them get better. I’m praying on it. I want to be there when they do.
I want to say ‘you did it, you beat COVID’ and I want that victory for my coworkers, doctors, and most importantly for them and their family who can’t be there.
I am so proud to be an ICU nurse. It’s been a tough journey for me but I never once have given up. I fought so hard to have the HONOR to be in this profession and today I felt that. I’m learning so much every day. We will survive this.
Thank you everyone for all the support and supporting one another. THANK YOU to my coworkers, we are all in this together. Be kind, be patient, stay home, and take care of one another. I promise to do my best.
I wasn’t sure if I should post this but I hope it inspires others to find their strength. 🧡 Good night, I look forward towards a better tomorrow. 🌎
3rd Place | Nurse Brittney, RN, Emergency Room
Nominated by Alyssa Fox, Sister
My sister has inspired me by putting her patients before herself! I started nursing school this fall and she has taught me so much of what it means to be a nurse, the compassion, caring, hard work, commitment, and sacrifice that goes along with it! She has been going over practice questions with me every day and allows me to perform assessments on her so I can practice! She works in the ER in her unit’s outdoor COVID tent and has been putting her safety on the line for her coworkers and patients.
A graduate of West Coast University, Nurse Brittney comes from a family of healthcare workers. Her stepdad, mom, grandpa, and aunt are all in the medical field. When it came to schooling and training, her grandpa and stepmom helped and supported her.
She started in the ER on nights after working as an ER scribe for two and a half years. Her critical thinking skills, ability to work well with her team, ability to think fast in intense situations, and compassion, all come together to make her an effective and well-loved nurse.
With the COVID-19 outbreak, her hospital is now running an outdoor COVID tent, and the second floor of the hospital has been converted into a COVID positive floor. As is common in these unprecedented times, their hospital is understaffed due to nurses testing positive for coronavirus, and policies are changing every day.
These are hectic times for Brittney as an ER nurse, yet she took the time out for a quick interview and to send some positive vibes and inspiration to all other frontline workers and nurses.
What is your favorite part of your job?
The best part of my job is the incredible staff!
What makes you smile at work?
My patients make me smile at work 🙂
What keeps you going on tough days?
My family, friends, and staff keep me going!
What is your most treasured memory as a nurse?
My best memory is taking care of a patient that was diagnosed with a stroke. We have TPA and she has an excellent turn around and I found out she was my childhood babysitter!
Can you share a funny moment on the job?
I was trying to get the foam sanitizer on the wall to work and it spit out foam all over my coworkers face!
Nursing pet peeve?
Please put things back where they go! 🙂
What phrase do you say repeatedly every day?
Let’s do this! 🙂
Favorite ways to relax on your days off?
Hanging with my cat, going on walks, trying new restaurants.
Favorite nursing book, podcast, social media page?
NurseLifeRN – Instagram
In the end, what would she like to say to her fellow nurses?
I would like to say that even on tough days, the shift will end, you will get through it. You will be ok. Just keep pushing 🙂
Thank you to all the people who nominated nurses and to all the nurses who have been there for their patients. We hope people in all walks of life will find inspiration in the stories of these truly heroic nurses, and that we all #CelebrateNurses every day.
Prizes and Sponsors
This year, first place won $500 in gift cards. Other prizes included a scrumptious $200 gift card package for second place, from our 2020 sponsor DoorDash. Third place recipients won $60 in vouchers for salads and sandwiches donated by Mendocino Farms. Thank you to our sponsors for recognizing the hard work of nursing professionals across the US.
#CelebrateNurses Moving Forward
The response to the giveaway was tremendous. So much so, we had to extend the deadline. Even then, grateful and awe-inspired people were finding ways to send in their nominations and share stories of their favorite after the giveaway had ended.
NurseRegistry has decided to keep the page open for anyone who wants to recognize a nurse. Share your story, and we’ll post it on the #CelebrateNurses page and our social media accounts. Let’s #CelebrateNurses every day!